18 Nonprofits Cooperatively Address Person-Centered End-of-Life Care Planning

Initiative Arizona End of Life Care Partnership (AzEOLCP)
Grantee Partner United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
Lisa Harmon participated in an Honoring a Life Workshop and has become an advocate for the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership, sharing how her experience helped her and her family.

The David and Lura Lovell Foundation and Community Foundation for Southern Arizona have jointly awarded nearly $8M to 18 nonprofits in the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership that are cooperatively addressing end-of-life care issues in greater Tucson, Arizona.  The mission of the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership (AzEOLCP) is to enhance the way we live by “fundamentally changing the way we talk about death.” To accomplish this, conversations about death and dying need to be normalized in the context of culturally responsive and respectful approaches, and individual priorities need to be communicated and documented for easy and secure access.

The Partnership is composed of over 350 community grantee organizations, investing partners, social service and healthcare organization and other stakeholders that bring resources to the table. They individually and collectively provide support, services, and education to help people consider what is important to them so that they can live well and end well.  The vision of the AzEOLCP is to ensure that individuals receive the care they desire at the end of their lives as communicated by each person at the center of that care. The Partners believe that focusing on goal-concordant care and reducing burden for loved ones are essential.

Learn more about the End-of-Life Care Partnership and its collective work by watching these videos:

Amy Beiter, TMC
Becky Slade, Tu Nidito
Chad Whelan, Banner
Deb Seng, PCO
Erin Russ, Southern Arizona Senior Pride
Karen MacDonald, ICS
Lance Meeks, Goodwill
Mary Ann Juarez, El Rio
Patsy Klein, CCS
Sarah Super Ascher, EOLCP
Reily Arter, Step Up to Justice
Leia Maahs, Southwest Folklife Alliance
Algurie Wilson, Dunbar – Coalition for African American Health and Wellness
Tony Fonze, Health Current
Tim’s Story, Tu Nidito